he PROPERTY_ prefixed constants of \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager * @return IAccountProperty * @throws PropertyDoesNotExistException */xprrIIeateNamedParameter($߼U[q ߼U[d.߼UP[^3߼UPP[߼U`[<n߼U`[>߼Up\>\J@r}rruB@pr/** * Returns a specific child node, referenced by its name * * @param string $name * @param \OCP\Files\FileInfo $info * @return \Sabre\DAV\INode * @throws InvalidPath * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\ServiceUnavailable */@ed_p vor&0jr(!~r xR&E@"~r -xA@#~r 3p@PqrqruteSPzr } zr fun@n gePyrQ@mId)P@QQ^߼U+aPR6߼UPp߼U`<&߼U`|n߼U`>i߼U|߼UP>uB@Xc@(c@0awrxrxrXxr^߼UUPR6߼UPp߼U`<&߼U`|n߼U`>i߼U|߼UP>uB@B@B@0axrp}r 2X1c@}r #>#ޚƨ+@}r F |X)@@}r BW1%@@@}r 3AWҥR@x}r ˙Lyp}r}r  .@}r AlS}r^߼U%aPR6߼UPp߼U`<߼U`p^߼Up߼U>߼Up>uB@^@^@@@@@^@3~r `3(r4~r %|'@@P4~r hgUxr4~r ф|uB@4~r ͉2c@4~r F|^@[[p xr@'typyr[[ xrp"@@|ޜrP@@BW1%@@ qr2X1c@r3AWҥR@Pqrqr[g $uX xr xr $query = $this-@nect(Zwr[@(); xZwr[r 9C*vrr "VpHrr .Z&m]xrr 韺xrr +؎B@r n̅yr8r xR&E@(r -xA@*ryroMۍ:_HH@Hcpr|`5r zr܇ @2r@ zrmxI5Hr&.rJN(0d@zrtCsh@ X\wr__r->i xr xrxr/** * sets the last modification time of the file (mtime) to the value given * in the second parameter or to now if the second param is empty. * Even if the modification time is set to a custom value the access time is set to now. */J3ryJ@ R Yr^߼U`:aPTR^߼U`:a`TRarray( $this, 'daily_akismet_meta_cleanup_after' ) ); add_action( 'jetpack_post_meta_batch_delete', $callable, 10, 2 ); } /** * Before Akismet's daily cleanup of spam detection metadata. * * @access public * * @param array $feedback_ids IDs of feedback posts. */ public function daily_akismet_meta_cleanup_before( $feedback_ids ) { remove_action( 'deleted_post_meta', $this->action_handler ); if ( ! is_array( $feedback_ids ) || count( $feedback_ids ) < 1 ) { return; } $ids_chunks = array_chunk( $feedback_ids, 100, false ); foreach ( $ids_chunks as $chunk ) { /** * Used for syncing deletion of batch post meta * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 6.1.0 * * @module sync * * @param array $feedback_ids feedback post IDs * @param string $meta_key to be deleted */ do_action( 'jetpack_post_meta_batch_delete', $chunk, '_feedback_akismet_values' ); } } /** * After Akismet's daily cleanup of spam detection metadata. * * @access public * * @param array $feedback_ids IDs of feedback posts. */ public function daily_akismet_meta_cleanup_after( $feedback_ids ) { // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable add_action( 'deleted_post_meta', $this->action_handler ); } /** * Initialize posts action listeners for full sync. * * @access public * * @param callable $callable Action handler callable. */ public function init_full_sync_listeners( $callable ) { add_action( 'jetpack_full_sync_posts', $callable ); // Also sends post meta. } /** * Initialize the module in the sender. * * @access public */ public function init_before_send() { // meta. add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_added_post_meta', array( $this, 'trim_post_meta' ) ); add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_updated_post_meta', array( $this, 'trim_post_meta' ) ); add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_deleted_post_meta', array( $this, 'trim_post_meta' ) ); // Full sync. $sync_module = Modules::get_module( 'full-sync' ); if ( $sync_module instanceof Full_Sync_Immediately ) { add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_jetpack_full_sync_posts', array( $this, 'add_term_relationships' ) ); } else { add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_jetpack_full_sync_posts', array( $this, 'expand_posts_with_metadata_and_terms' ) ); } } /** * Enqueue the posts actions for full sync. * * @access public * * @param array $config Full sync configuration for this sync module. * @param int $max_items_to_enqueue Maximum number of items to enqueue. * @param boolean $state True if full sync has finished enqueueing this module, false otherwise. * @return array Number of actions enqueued, and next module state. */ public function enqueue_full_sync_actions( $config, $max_items_to_enqueue, $state ) { global $wpdb; return $this->enqueue_all_ids_as_action( 'jetpack_full_sync_posts', $wpdb->posts, 'ID', $this->get_where_sql( $config ), $max_items_to_enqueue, $state ); } /** * Retrieve an estimated number of actions that will be enqueued. * * @access public * * @todo Use $wpdb->prepare for the SQL query. * * @param array $config Full sync configuration for this sync module. * @return array Number of items yet to be enqueued. */ public function estimate_full_sync_actions( $config ) { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE " . $this->get_where_sql( $config ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching $count = (int) $wpdb->get_var( $query ); return (int) ceil( $count / self::ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE ); } /** * Retrieve the WHERE SQL clause based on the module config. * * @access public * * @param array $config Full sync configuration for this sync module. * @return string WHERE SQL clause, or `null` if no comments are specified in the module config. */ public function get_where_sql( $config ) { $where_sql = Settings::get_blacklisted_post_types_sql(); // Config is a list of post IDs to sync. if ( is_array( $config ) ) { $where_sql .= ' AND ID IN (' . implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $config ) ) . ')'; } return $where_sql; } /** * Retrieve the actions that will be sent for this module during a full sync. * * @access public * * @return array Full sync actions of this module. */ public function get_full_sync_actions() { return array( 'jetpack_full_sync_posts' ); } /** * Filter meta arguments so that we don't sync meta_values over MAX_POST_META_LENGTH. * * @param array $args action arguments. * * @return array filtered action arguments. */ public function trim_post_meta( $args ) { list( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) = $args; // Explicitly truncate meta_value when it exceeds limit. // Large content will cause OOM issues and break Sync. $serialized_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value ); if ( strlen( $serialized_value ) >= self::MAX_POST_META_LENGTH ) { $meta_value = ''; } return array( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ); } /** * Process content before send. * * @param array $args Arguments of the `wp_insert_post` hook. * * @return array */ public function expand_jetpack_sync_save_post( $args ) { list( $post_id, $post, $update, $previous_state ) = $args; return array( $post_id, $this->filter_post_content_and_add_links( $post ), $update, $previous_state ); } /** * Filter all blacklisted post types and add filtered post content. * * @param array $args Hook arguments. * @return array|false Hook arguments, or false if the post type is a blacklisted one. */ public function filter_jetpack_sync_before_enqueue_jetpack_sync_save_post( $args ) { list( $post_id, $post, $update, $previous_state ) = $args; if ( in_array( $post->post_type, Settings::get_setting( 'post_types_blacklist' ), true ) ) { return false; } return array( $post_id, $this->filter_post_content_and_add_links( $post ), $update, $previous_state ); } /** * Add filtered post content. * * @param array $args Hook arguments. * @return array Hook arguments. */ public function filter_jetpack_sync_before_enqueue_jetpack_published_post( $args ) { list( $post_id, $flags, $post ) = $args; return array( $post_id, $flags, $this->filter_post_content_and_add_links( $post ) ); } /** * Filter all blacklisted post types. * * @param array $args Hook arguments. * @return array|false Hook arguments, or false if the post type is a blacklisted one. */ public function filter_blacklisted_post_types_deleted( $args ) { // deleted_post is called after the SQL delete but before cache cleanup. // There is the potential we can't detect post_type at this point. if ( ! $this->is_post_type_allowed( $args[0] ) ) { return false; } return $args; } /** * Filter all meta that is not blacklisted, or is stored for a disallowed post type. * * @param array $args Hook arguments. * @return array|false Hook arguments, or false if meta was filtered. */ public function filter_meta( $args ) { if ( $this->is_post_type_allowed( $args[1] ) && $this->is_whitelisted_post_meta( $args[2] ) ) { return $args; } return false; } /** * Whether a post meta key is whitelisted. * * @param string $meta_key Meta key. * @return boolean Whether the post meta key is whitelisted. */ public function is_whitelisted_post_meta( $meta_key ) { // The _wpas_skip_ meta key is used by Publicize. return in_array( $meta_key, Settings::get_setting( 'post_meta_whitelist' ), true ) || str_starts_with( $meta_key, '_wpas_skip_' ); } /** * Whether a post type is allowed. * A post type will be disallowed if it's present in the post type blacklist. * * @param int $post_id ID of the post. * @return boolean Whether the post type is allowed. */ public function is_post_type_allowed( $post_id ) { $post = get_post( (int) $post_id ); if ( isset( $post->post_type ) ) { return ! in_array( $post->post_type, Settings::get_setting( 'post_types_blacklist' ), true ); } return false; } /** * Remove the embed shortcode. * * @global $wp_embed */ public function remove_embed() { global $wp_embed; remove_filter( 'the_content', array( $wp_embed, 'run_shortcode' ), 8 ); // remove the embed shortcode since we would do the part later. remove_shortcode( 'embed' ); // Attempts to embed all URLs in a post. remove_filter( 'the_content', array( $wp_embed, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); } /** * Add the embed shortcode. * * @global $wp_embed */ public function add_embed() { global $wp_embed; add_filter( 'the_content', array( $wp_embed, 'run_shortcode' ), 8 ); // Shortcode placeholder for strip_shortcodes(). add_shortcode( 'embed', '__return_false' ); // Attempts to embed all URLs in a post. add_filter( 'the_content', array( $wp_embed, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); } /** * Expands wp_insert_post to include filtered content * * @param \WP_Post $post_object Post object. */ public function filter_post_content_and_add_links( $post_object ) { global $post; // Used to restore the post global. $current_post = $post; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $post = $post_object; // Return non existant post. $post_type = get_post_type_object( $post->post_type ); if ( empty( $post_type ) || ! is_object( $post_type ) ) { $non_existant_post = new \stdClass(); $non_existant_post->ID = $post->ID; $non_existant_post->post_modified = $post->post_modified; $non_existant_post->post_modified_gmt = $post->post_modified_gmt; $non_existant_post->post_status = 'jetpack_sync_non_registered_post_type'; $non_existant_post->post_type = $post->post_type; // Restore global post. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $post = $current_post; return $non_existant_post; } /** * Filters whether to prevent sending post data to .com * * Passing true to the filter will prevent the post data from being sent * to the WordPress.com. * Instead we pass data that will still enable us to do a checksum against the * Jetpacks data but will prevent us from displaying the data on in the API as well as * other services. * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 4.2.0 * * @param boolean false prevent post data from being synced to WordPress.com * @param mixed $post \WP_Post object */ if ( apply_filters( 'jetpack_sync_prevent_sending_post_data', false, $post ) ) { // We only send the bare necessary object to be able to create a checksum. $blocked_post = new \stdClass(); $blocked_post->ID = $post->ID; $blocked_post->post_modified = $post->post_modified; $blocked_post->post_modified_gmt = $post->post_modified_gmt; $blocked_post->post_status = 'jetpack_sync_blocked'; $blocked_post->post_type = $post->post_type; // Restore global post. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $post = $current_post; return $blocked_post; } // lets not do oembed just yet. $this->remove_embed(); if ( 0 < strlen( $post->post_password ) ) { $post->post_password = 'auto-' . wp_generate_password( 10, false ); } // Explicitly omit post_content when it exceeds limit. // Large content will cause OOM issues and break Sync. if ( strlen( $post->post_content ) >= self::MAX_POST_CONTENT_LENGTH ) { $post->post_content = ''; } /** This filter is already documented in core. wp-includes/post-template.php */ if ( Settings::get_setting( 'render_filtered_content' ) && $post_type->public ) { global $shortcode_tags; /** * Filter prevents some shortcodes from expanding. * * Since we can can expand some type of shortcode better on the .com side and make the * expansion more relevant to contexts. For example [galleries] and subscription emails * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 4.5.0 * * @param array of shortcode tags to remove. */ $shortcodes_to_remove = apply_filters( 'jetpack_sync_do_not_expand_shortcodes', array( 'gallery', 'slideshow', ) ); $removed_shortcode_callbacks = array(); foreach ( $shortcodes_to_remove as $shortcode ) { if ( isset( $shortcode_tags[ $shortcode ] ) ) { $removed_shortcode_callbacks[ $shortcode ] = $shortcode_tags[ $shortcode ]; } } array_map( 'remove_shortcode', array_keys( $removed_shortcode_callbacks ) ); /** * Certain modules such as Likes, Related Posts and Sharedaddy are using `Settings::is_syncing` * in order to NOT get rendered in filtered post content. * Since the current method runs now before enqueueing instead of before sending, * we are setting `is_syncing` flag to true in order to preserve the existing functionality. */ $is_syncing_current = Settings::is_syncing(); Settings::set_is_syncing( true ); $post->post_content_filtered = apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content ); $post->post_excerpt_filtered = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $post->post_excerpt ); Settings::set_is_syncing( $is_syncing_current ); foreach ( $removed_shortcode_callbacks as $shortcode => $callback ) { add_shortcode( $shortcode, $callback ); } } $this->add_embed(); if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) { $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'full' ); if ( is_array( $image_attributes ) && isset( $image_attributes[0] ) ) { $post->featured_image = $image_attributes[0]; } } $post->permalink = get_permalink( $post->ID ); $post->shortlink = wp_get_shortlink( $post->ID ); if ( function_exists( 'amp_get_permalink' ) ) { $post->amp_permalink = amp_get_permalink( $post->ID ); } $filtered_post = $post; // Restore global post. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $post = $current_post; return $filtered_post; } /** * Handle transition from another post status to a published one. * * @param string $new_status New post status. * @param string $old_status Old post status. * @param \WP_Post $post Post object. */ public function save_published( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) { if ( 'publish' === $new_status && 'publish' !== $old_status ) { $this->just_published[ $post->ID ] = true; } $this->previous_status[ $post->ID ] = $old_status; } /** * When publishing or updating a post, the Gutenberg editor sends two requests: * 1. sent to WP REST API endpoint `wp-json/wp/v2/posts/$id` * 2. sent to wp-admin/post.php `?post=$id&action=edit&classic-editor=1&meta_box=1` * * The 2nd request is to update post meta, which is not supported on WP REST API. * When syncing post data, we will include if this was a meta box update. * * @return boolean Whether this is a Gutenberg meta box update. */ private function is_gutenberg_meta_box_update() { // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- We only check the request to determine if this is a Gutenberg meta box update, and we only use the result to set a boolean logged in the sync event. If anyone anywhere else gets the flag and does something CSRF-able with it, they should ensure that a nonce has been checked. return ( isset( $_POST['action'], $_GET['classic-editor'], $_GET['meta_box'] ) && 'editpost' === $_POST['action'] && '1' === $_GET['classic-editor'] && '1' === $_GET['meta_box'] // phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended ); } /** * Handler for the wp_insert_post hook. * Called upon creation of a new post. * * @param int $post_ID Post ID. * @param \WP_Post $post Post object. * @param boolean $update Whether this is an existing post being updated or not. */ public function wp_insert_post( $post_ID, $post = null, $update = null ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $post_ID ) || $post === null ) { return; } // Workaround for https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/18007. if ( $post && 'shop_order' === $post->post_type ) { $post = get_post( $post_ID ); } $previous_status = isset( $this->previous_status[ $post_ID ] ) ? $this->previous_status[ $post_ID ] : self::DEFAULT_PREVIOUS_STATE; $just_published = isset( $this->just_published[ $post_ID ] ) ? $this->just_published[ $post_ID ] : false; $state = array( 'is_auto_save' => (bool) Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ), 'previous_status' => $previous_status, 'just_published' => $just_published, 'is_gutenberg_meta_box_update' => $this->is_gutenberg_meta_box_update(), ); /** * Filter that is used to add to the post flags ( meta data ) when a post gets published * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 5.8.0 * * @param int $post_ID the post ID * @param mixed $post \WP_Post object * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated or not. * @param mixed $state state * * @module sync */ do_action( 'jetpack_sync_save_post', $post_ID, $post, $update, $state ); unset( $this->previous_status[ $post_ID ] ); } /** * Handler for the wp_after_insert_post hook. * Called after creation/update of a new post. * * @param int $post_ID Post ID. * @param \WP_Post $post Post object. **/ public function wp_after_insert_post( $post_ID, $post ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $post_ID ) || $post === null ) { return; } // Workaround for https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/18007. if ( $post && 'shop_order' === $post->post_type ) { $post = get_post( $post_ID ); } $this->send_published( $post_ID, $post ); } /** * Send a published post for sync. * * @param int $post_ID Post ID. * @param \WP_Post $post Post object. */ public function send_published( $post_ID, $post ) { if ( ! isset( $this->just_published[ $post_ID ] ) ) { return; } // Post revisions cause race conditions where this send_published add the action before the actual post gets synced. if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $post ) || wp_is_post_revision( $post ) ) { return; } $post_flags = array( 'post_type' => $post->post_type, ); $author_user_object = get_user_by( 'id', $post->post_author ); if ( $author_user_object ) { $roles = new Roles(); $post_flags['author'] = array( 'id' => $post->post_author, 'wpcom_user_id' => get_user_meta( $post->post_author, 'wpcom_user_id', true ), 'display_name' => $author_user_object->display_name, 'email' => $author_user_object->user_email, 'translated_role' => $roles->translate_user_to_role( $author_user_object ), ); } /** * Filter that is used to add to the post flags ( meta data ) when a post gets published * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 4.4.0 * * @param mixed array post flags that are added to the post * @param mixed $post \WP_Post object */ $flags = apply_filters( 'jetpack_published_post_flags', $post_flags, $post ); // Only Send Pulished Post event if post_type is not blacklisted. if ( ! in_array( $post->post_type, Settings::get_setting( 'post_types_blacklist' ), true ) ) { /** * Action that gets synced when a post type gets published. * * @since 1.6.3 * @since-jetpack 4.4.0 * * @param int $post_ID * @param mixed array $flags post flags that are added to the post * @param WP_Post $post The post object */ do_action( 'jetpack_published_post', $post_ID, $flags, $post ); } unset( $this->just_published[ $post_ID ] ); /** * Send additional sync action for Activity Log when post is a Customizer publish */ if ( 'customize_changeset' === $post->post_type ) { $post_content = json_decode( $post->post_content, true ); foreach ( $post_content as $key => $value ) { // Skip if it isn't a widget. if ( 'widget_' !== substr( $key, 0, strlen( 'widget_' ) ) ) { continue; } // Change key from "widget_archives[2]" to "archives-2". $key = str_replace( 'widget_', '', $key ); $key = str_replace( '[', '-', $key ); $key = str_replace( ']', '', $key ); global $wp_registered_widgets; if ( isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $key ] ) ) { $widget_data = array( 'name' => $wp_registered_widgets[ $key ]['name'], 'id' => $key, 'title' => $value['value']['title'], ); do_action( 'jetpack_widget_edited', $widget_data ); } } } } /** * Add term relationships to post objects within a hook before they are serialized and sent to the server. * This is used in Full Sync Immediately * * @access public * * @param array $args The hook parameters. * @return array $args The expanded hook parameters. */ public function add_term_relationships( $args ) { list( $filtered_posts, $previous_interval_end ) = $args; list( $filtered_post_ids, $filtered_posts, $filtered_posts_metadata ) = $filtered_posts; return array( $filtered_posts, $filtered_posts_metadata, $this->get_term_relationships( $filtered_post_ids ), $previous_interval_end, ); } /** * Expand post IDs to post objects within a hook before they are serialized and sent to the server. * This is used in Legacy Full Sync * * @access public * * @param array $args The hook parameters. * @return array $args The expanded hook parameters. */ public function expand_posts_with_metadata_and_terms( $args ) { list( $post_ids, $previous_interval_end ) = $args; $posts = $this->expand_posts( $post_ids ); $posts_metadata = $this->get_metadata( $post_ids, 'post', Settings::get_setting( 'post_meta_whitelist' ) ); $term_relationships = $this->get_term_relationships( $post_ids ); return array( $posts, $posts_metadata, $term_relationships, $previous_interval_end, ); } /** * Gets a list of minimum and maximum object ids for each batch based on the given batch size. * * @access public * * @param int $batch_size The batch size for objects. * @param string|bool $where_sql The sql where clause minus 'WHERE', or false if no where clause is needed. * * @return array|bool An array of min and max ids for each batch. FALSE if no table can be found. */ public function get_min_max_object_ids_for_batches( $batch_size, $where_sql = false ) { return parent::get_min_max_object_ids_for_batches( $batch_size, $this->get_where_sql( $where_sql ) ); } /** * Given the Module Configuration and Status return the next chunk of items to send. * This function also expands the posts and metadata and filters them based on the maximum size constraints. * * @param array $config This module Full Sync configuration. * @param array $status This module Full Sync status. * @param int $chunk_size Chunk size. * * @return array */ public function get_next_chunk( $config, $status, $chunk_size ) { $post_ids = parent::get_next_chunk( $config, $status, $chunk_size ); if ( empty( $post_ids ) ) { return array(); } $posts = $this->expand_posts( $post_ids ); $posts_metadata = $this->get_metadata( $post_ids, 'post', Settings::get_setting( 'post_meta_whitelist' ) ); // Filter posts and metadata based on maximum size constraints. list( $filtered_post_ids, $filtered_posts, $filtered_posts_metadata ) = $this->filter_posts_and_metadata_max_size( $posts, $posts_metadata ); return array( $filtered_post_ids, $filtered_posts, $filtered_posts_metadata, ); } /** * Expand posts. * * @param array $post_ids Post IDs. * * @return array Expanded posts. */ private function expand_posts( $post_ids ) { $posts = array_filter( array_map( array( 'WP_Post', 'get_instance' ), $post_ids ) ); $posts = array_map( array( $this, 'filter_post_content_and_add_links' ), $posts ); $posts = array_values( $posts ); // Reindex in case posts were deleted. return $posts; } /** * Filters posts and metadata based on maximum size constraints. * It always allows the first post with its metadata even if they exceed the limit, otherwise they will never be synced. * * @access public * * @param array $posts The array of posts to filter. * @param array $metadata The array of metadata to filter. * @return array An array containing the filtered post IDs, filtered posts, and filtered metadata. */ public function filter_posts_and_metadata_max_size( $posts, $metadata ) { $filtered_posts = array(); $filtered_metadata = array(); $filtered_post_ids = array(); $current_size = 0; foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $post_content_size = isset( $post->post_content ) ? strlen( $post->post_content ) : 0; $current_metadata = array(); $metadata_size = 0; foreach ( $metadata as $key => $metadata_item ) { if ( (int) $metadata_item->post_id === $post->ID ) { // Trimming metadata if it exceeds limit. Similar to trim_post_meta. $metadata_item_size = strlen( maybe_serialize( $metadata_item->meta_value ) ); if ( $metadata_item_size >= self::MAX_POST_META_LENGTH ) { $metadata_item->meta_value = ''; } $current_metadata[] = $metadata_item; $metadata_size += $metadata_item_size >= self::MAX_POST_META_LENGTH ? 0 : $metadata_item_size; if ( ! empty( $filtered_post_ids ) && ( $current_size + $post_content_size + $metadata_size ) > ( self::MAX_SIZE_FULL_SYNC ) ) { break 2; // Break both foreach loops. } unset( $metadata[ $key ] ); } } // Always allow the first post with its metadata. if ( empty( $filtered_post_ids ) || ( $current_size + $post_content_size + $metadata_size ) <= ( self::MAX_SIZE_FULL_SYNC ) ) { $filtered_post_ids[] = strval( $post->ID ); $filtered_posts[] = $post; $filtered_metadata = array_merge( $filtered_metadata, $current_metadata ); $current_size += $post_content_size + $metadata_size; } else { break; } } return array( $filtered_post_ids, $filtered_posts, $filtered_metadata, ); } /** * Set the status of the full sync action based on the objects that were sent. * * @access public * * @param array $status This module Full Sync status. * @param array $objects This module Full Sync objects. * * @return array The updated status. */ public function set_send_full_sync_actions_status( $status, $objects ) { $status['last_sent'] = end( $objects[0] ); $status['sent'] += count( $objects[0] ); return $status; } }